Anyone got any recommendations for good basketball books?
I have read Can I Keep My Jersey (Paul Shirley) and The Jordan Rules, both were quite good.
I am half way through Larry Bird and Magic Johnson: When The Game Is Ours, which is awesome.
I have 4 books sitting waiting for me too - :07 Second Or Less (Phoenix Suns), Basketball Junkie (Chris Herren), When Nothing Else Matters (Michael Jordan) and the one I can't wait to start, The Book Of Basketball by Bill Simmons.
Anyone got any suggestions?
I have read Can I Keep My Jersey (Paul Shirley) and The Jordan Rules, both were quite good.
I am half way through Larry Bird and Magic Johnson: When The Game Is Ours, which is awesome.
I have 4 books sitting waiting for me too - :07 Second Or Less (Phoenix Suns), Basketball Junkie (Chris Herren), When Nothing Else Matters (Michael Jordan) and the one I can't wait to start, The Book Of Basketball by Bill Simmons.
Anyone got any suggestions?