Back online and have landline again ....


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Here's the story on a dime. I went to get on the internet last saturday after a two day break and found I couldn't connect - no dsl connection. so i went to call my provider - no dial tone. Hand set says - check tel line. Great. I'm next to flat broke, have no mobile credit and no landline. Finally get some money from a mate on tuesday and head out to civic to speak to Transact (service provider) about the issue on wednesday. Get home, tech service calls me, performs an isolation test, issue is with the main circuit hub itself, transact notifies telstra who say a technician will be onto the issue between 10:30 am thursday july 5 and 7pm friday july 7. This all comes and goes - no show telstra. I go down to the telstra shop, get given the run around by customer service rep who puts me onto the residential service tehc support who give me the run around. Having had enough, i lay down the law telling them that the issue better be fixed by the following friday or i will pursue legal action in the high courts and ensure that telstra loses their tender. I get home (only five minutes away), make a coffee, pack my tobacco pipe and step outside for a smoke. the phone rings.Telstra technician, saying the issue has been fixed and he was only informed about it today. Half an hour ago, i get a call from Transact tech services, following up on the issues and confirming that everything had been fixed and it turned something to do with low loop feed or something technical.

Now, I have to tip my hat to Transact on their follow up - that is what a service provider should be doing. Telstra - I find it way to coincidental that fifteen minutes after threatening legal action the problem is addressed. I mentioned to the transact bloke and even he laughed about it.
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