Back from my trip and these were waiting!!

Rusty Nail

Still a big kid!!!
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After jaunting around the US for almost a month, and picking up a couple of packages along the way that a guy was holding for me, this is the best of the haul from those and a few parcels that were waiting for me!!

A few Prestige rookies
Topps were giving out packs to thank fans at the Jets v Pats game on 27/12 so snaffled a couple of packs, they only have 5 cards but one is an exclusive 'Team shot' If there are any Jets fans out there!! I have a spare pack you can have, first reply gets it. The other cards are from a Black Friday or Thanksgiving pack I think.
Which Raven you collecting most or any I still have a heap of baseball here for ya lol I found the other day