When i was a kid i was really into the Dynamic NRL cards.
At the tail-end of my interest (1995) i found a card in a packet that was pretty cool, i wasnt aware HOW good it was, but i kept it.
Fast forward to 2011, i get back into cards, and discover this particular card is pretty high-up when it comes to Dynamic cards. I had a look for it, through all of my old collection, and couldnt find it anywhere. I thought i may have traded it away when i was a kid, or just plain lost it.
There has been a box in my garage for a while that i knew contained a few possessions of my ex-girlfriend. I was sick of looking at it, so i decided to take it back to her today. Just before i put it in the car i had this thought pop into my head, "just check inside to make sure whats in there..." So i did... and amonst old family photos of when she was a kid, and a beanie i thought was gone forever, i found this-