Hi everyone,
I am in the process of getting 1 auto card of each of my favourite players...
This is my favorite players + some future hof's want list.
All HOF's wanted on other want list check my signature below!!!!
I much prefer them to be on the cheaper side cause im not buying them to
re-sell or for investment just need them to complete a piece of furniture (cabinet).
Im not looking for expensive cards eg. $50 pippen instead of rare $500 pippen.
Here's the list, i will keep updating as i buy so i dont keep getting the same players
offered to me. Keep it low and feel free to be generous Cheap Cheap Cheap
also have a Bynum all cards in excellent condition can have the 3 dlvd registered post for $90 Hakeem is #13/25 Parker is #70/99bynum not numbered but the card #BTA-ABY
I have some sheets of clear perspex that i'm thinking of mounting cards under, just as a wall feature. Not really furniture but it should still look nice. Thinking of 27 cards (would fit perfectly) in chronological order showing the progression of the hobby.
nice, will look insane... its funny i thought it would be popular to have all kinds of different displays but
cant seem to find many pics? OzCT should do a competition for best displays and give a deadline would
be awesome to see what people come up with.
nice, will look insane... its funny i thought it would be popular to have all kinds of different displays but
cant seem to find many pics? OzCT should do a competition for best displays and give a deadline would
be awesome to see what people come up with.
Just had some time this morning and whipped this up... looks pretty nice. My 90's Jordan base card tribute. I will be mounting it straight on the blue wall, just need to grab something to mount it with. So for now it's on the shelf.