Why yes there is! The magazines are scheduled to be dispatched from the printers and it will go on sale this Wednesday the 10th.
Once again i need to thank a few people from our remarkable OCT community.
Jed8521 - this magazine would probably not have happened without him. Thankyou.
Girds & lilreddevil - thanks for your efforts on the front cover guys and in particular your initial vision Girds - its great!
Gameday Online - thanks for contributing some articles and the support from your website
Richo & AyiosYiorgos - thanks for providing a peer check of the magazine. Your advice and feedback was much appreciated
Graham - Thanks for the support from OCT - will get the banner to you once i work out how to make one:-k
Also like to thank everyone that has provided positive feedback in this thread. Its been great. Going from 12 pages to 48 pages, covering all the postage and selling costs means I have financially gone out on a bit of a limb here. However i strongly believe that this magazine will be a positive for our hobby and will hopefully encourage more people to have a greater involvement.
The magazine is $9.95 delivered. If anyone is interested in pre-ordering please dont hesitate to send me a pm - i will write up a thread and give you the paypal address (will also save me some feebay fee's!).
Re: Australian Sports Card Collector Magazine - OUT WEDNESDAY
put me down for a donation to your investment fund, lol. and on a serious note, great work on this publication. in the words of one of the greatest: "played strong, done fine".
make sure you get on board with this. The mag has turned out really well. It has a real Beckett feel to it. With everyones support it will only get better!
Thanks to a few people from our remarkable OCT community.
Richo & AyiosYiorgos - thanks for providing a peer check of the magazine. Your advice and feedback was much appreciated
Also like to thank everyone that has provided positive feedback in this thread. Your support has been great.