Aussie animal cards blue and green

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Im not buying or selling aussie animal cards im trading im trying to complete my blue and green sets in atleast 1 month if you post comments in 1 year i may answer so please don't spam.

My doubles for blue:
100,95,90,84,78 (i have 2), 72,65,57,39 (i have 3),38 (i have 2),30,25,10,22,20,16

My needs for blue:
I will trade green for blue or blue for green i will also trade for any dreamworks 3d heroes cards

My doubles for green:
180,179,178 (i have 3),174 (i have 3),172 (i have 2),171 (i have 2),170 (i have 3),169 (i have 2),168 (i have 3),167 (i have 2),166 (i have 2),165 (i have 3),162 (i have 3),160 (i have 3),161,159,158,157 (i have 3),156 (i have 3),155,152,153 (i have 2),152,151,150,147,149,148 (i have 2),117,109,110,141,140,139,138 (i have 2),137 (i have 2),136,135,134,144,142,133 (i have 3),132 (i have 2),130 (i have 2),127 (i have 2),126,125 (i have 2),122,121

My needs for green:

thx guys more posts coming soon
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