Artifacts and Lineage...


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Well I pulled the trigger... got two boxes of 07-08 Artifacts and one of UD Lineage on the way from DACW - so hopefully here Friday, Monday at the latest. As soon as I saw the Lineage with old designs I wanted some, don't really know if there's anything decent in them..!

Will update when here!
all the best with it mate, the Lineage have some really nice Buybacks from the 90's in em too, hopefully you get somethign like that even. cheers
Posting in here so I can get updates when it's box break time!!


p.s. never mind mjfreak, grumpy bugger :lol:, gotta pump up the locals ready for the box openings!!!!!!
HP - 1st pack nothin but an Artis Gilmore Stat Tracker insert. 2nd pack Chris Richard Autographics and a Gasol/Parker/Arenas Class of 2001 insert #/2001.

Good start!
Yay a Rose RC... and a Jason Maxiell auto...

Pretty disappointing - I thought they were various designs but the base are all 91-92UD style.

Oh well, was ok.
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