i have bought from this seller before, was very happy with the card. I agree the card should be alot more than that at the moment, someone could come away with a steal.
card23hk's stuff always sells way high, you watch it will go way over what you expect. I'm not sure how he does it, but I'm guessing he has several loyal high paying customers.
A shiller is a seller that uses a secondary eBay account or a friend network to bid and push the price up of their auctions. Its illeagal and this guy has been reported and warned in the past but the fat cats at eBay that make money off him and other HongKong sellers do nothing about it. Always snipe when bidding on his stuff and Ian3's etc.
I'll have a blatent example of this in a days time with an Aussie seller where it is blatent. I just have to deal with him first LOL
A shiller is a seller that uses a secondary eBay account or a friend network to bid and push the price up of their auctions. Its illeagal and this guy has been reported and warned in the past but the fat cats at eBay that make money off him and other HongKong sellers do nothing about it. Always snipe when bidding on his stuff and Ian3's etc.
I'll have a blatent example of this in a days time with an Aussie seller where it is blatent. I just have to deal with him first LOL
hey Chad,sorry guys for getting sidetracked but i sorta know what a snipe is but how does it work...is is a very last minute bidding thing?..are they any good?
i had a look at one before that someone put me onto but couldnt be bothered .maybe you can explain it better for me.
yep, I think ive bought off this guy before...It was two drob autos...I couldnt be there at the end, and I dont like using snipers...so I set maxs bids of $50.52 for both cards...
Obviously they shilled em, the first one I didnt win...but the winning bidder retracted...so I end up with it for $50.50
and of course my second one went to $50.50
by shilling my first auction, they were able to see what my high bid was..and took a good guess that'd be the same for the 2nd auction....bastard
I got shilled by lan.3 once, on my Paul Pierce Ionix Reciprocal RC /100 unnumbered 1/1. My max bid was up around $70, but I put in something wierd, like $71.77 or something like that. I was outbid, then that bid was retracted, and another bidder bid me up to my exact max. I refused to pay for it.
Funny thing was, he listed it a week later, and obviously the people who were interested in his auction thought he was a scammer and got scared away, I sniped it and got it for $11.61.
Exactly and they are pretty obvious about it too. Still eBay have been contacted heaps of times and each time they say there isn't enough evidence to show shilling ????????
I just dont get it. Shows that money from heaps of listings talks more than the little guy getting screwed over.