As some people probably know I am chasing the 10/11 Donruss Master Set. But I'm considering throwing it in because a) I have lost a bit of interest and b) I see cards sell and think to myself "I'd never pay that for that card" which obviously leads to me lowering the chances of me ever buying that card haha and c) I have missed out on a 1/1 already so the set will NEVER be complete.
My question to the experienced set chasers or anyone reading this really. Is it just a phase and should I keep at it or should I cut my losses and leave it alone?
To give y'all an idea of the cards I'm talking about:
Never took on such a massive project like yours but with the one I'm trying to finish now, 2009-10 Panini Classics, hit the same snag as you! Though I've got no 1/1s or anything to chase, I did get tired of it when no cards were coming my way or cards were just not worth buying ie. Earl Clark delivered off eBay etc. Fast forward almost 8 months and bang, there's Adam wanting to sell his Rookie Auto set, trade for the inserts off him as well and I'm 75% into the master set (no variations). So definitely don't sell it I reckon, let it sit, go chase some Harry Potter cards but still keep your eye out and something will probably come along that will spark the rest of the set chase once again!
That card should not be part of the set. I'm under the impression that card is found in the dealers boxes and not the ordinary boxes. Hope someone can correct me if I am wrong.
Set a goal on an attainable set, as soon as you have 1/1 cards in the set you're after its next to impossible. Master sets post 96/97 are pretty hard to complete too, so its a tough gig. Go after a auto or jsy set that has 50-100 cards in it and its much more attainable whilst still a bit of a challenge. Myself, I'm still trying to get one auto (besides awaiting redemptions) from the 11/12 Past & Present Elusive Ink.
That card should not be part of the set. I'm under the impression that card is found in the dealers boxes and not the ordinary boxes. Hope someone can correct me if I am wrong.
I thought it was. I read, just the other day, of an uproar on Blowout about the lack of 1/1 or those multi-player autos in 11/12 UD Exquisite being busted and they mentioned that Panini removed some 1/1s from its products and actually put them in the Black Boxes, thus being misleading!
That card should not be part of the set. I'm under the impression that card is found in the dealers boxes and not the ordinary boxes. Hope someone can correct me if I am wrong.
Set a goal on an attainable set, as soon as you have 1/1 cards in the set you're after its next to impossible. Master sets post 96/97 are pretty hard to complete too, so its a tough gig. Go after a auto or jsy set that has 50-100 cards in it and its much more attainable whilst still a bit of a challenge. Myself, I'm still trying to get one auto (besides awaiting redemptions) from the 11/12 Past & Present Elusive Ink.