Anthony Morrow Collection


Morrow Super Collector
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If you want to see more checkout photobucket... my Anthony Morrow collection which I hope to add to! Morrow/?start=all

Now that I have discovered photobucket for the Iphone its less work to get images up than scanning, yeah maybe not as good looking... but the images get up anyway.

Highlights include....

Ultimate Rookie Card


2/5 & 5/5

Nice start!!

Didnt know PB had an iPhone app, well done!! I use "Gallery" for mine, virtually same sorta thing.

Just checked your PB, the PC's coming along nicely there, well done!!
Thanks Norm! Got them for reasonable prices too :) Wouldn't mind finding the others, cause i know there will be some Morrow cards out there i will never see Totally Certified Greens and Black for instance.

Thanks Scotty! I haven't even uploaded a picture of my logoman yet (a few really nice cards haven't been uploaded cause I ran out of energy and interest for a lil while there)... just did a youtube video and left it at that.
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