Dunno about every day mate lol
But I will continue to pick up the 07 set if they are bgs 9.5 and a reasonable price.
The reason I love the Photo Shoots is because I believe the players look so young and happy they have not played an NBA game yet and they actually look excited to be there....unlike cards 6 months on that have them posing like gimps and acting like they are the best thing since sliced bread....a prime example would be someone like Devin Harris.
The reason I love the Photo Shoots is because I believe the players look so young and happy they have not played an NBA game yet and they actually look excited to be there....
Exactly man I love em for that reason alone....you'd be hard pressed to find a Topps Photo Shoot auto with someone lookin sad or trying to pose.
Although im sure someone will find one to prove me wrong! but you get the point.