An amazing gift!! #63 and #64!!!!


Go Celtics!!
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Firstly here's #63 in the #21 collection......


I've picked up a lot of reflections #21 cards this year - this is my 5th!!!!


Very easy on the eye!!!!

2ndly - this one was a real bonus - after having a crappy crappy day 2 Saturdays ago (see speeding ticket story...) I jumped on beckett and put up an 'Any KG #21 cards' post' I don't do it very often cos there's never anything much there. I bumped it a coupla times then a guy called 'lakerbrothers' said - 'this'll make yr day' and showed me a sweet card!!!! He was right

I tried to work out a deal with my pathetic trade material and in the end offered him one of my precious KG patches - he wrote back saying - "I fell like I'm going thru yr PC - I'm gonna send u the card for nothing! - I was pretty stunned!!! OLD jersey numbered cards are very hard to find and very rare - just cos there were far fewer #'d cards back then. They sell for plenty!!!!
Anyway it arrived today - a real beaut!!!

Now only 1 more till #65 - my revised goal for the year!!!!!


Always looks better when the #21 is written all over it too!!!

I sent him 3 mj's and a kobe I had lying around.....

Cheers for looking
i love that concept of collecting player numbered parallel cards... nice work

It's catching on.......I think there's a lot more guys hunting them down now......

#65 is in the post so will put that one up when it arrives.........

Cheers guys Al
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