Hey everyone! My mate Shane and I have applied to be on 'The Amazing Race' Australia and we would love your support!
Find us on facebook on the link below and tell us you like the page, then forward it on to everyone you know!
Hahahaha.... that's awesome dude...... I "liked" it for ya...... good luck in getting on....... I'm an avid watcher of the US & Asia series, great show!!
Thanks for the feedback guys! So pumped! Please pass this on to everyone you know so we can get MAXIMUM support! We wanna see our Facebook numbers climb to RIDONKULOUS levels!
man if i was on that show i'd do really well for running, searching, finding etc... but heights .... !!! anyways who's shane. Brother, friends, boyfriend, cuz?
Good luck gettin on mate. I'm a massive fan of the show. I'm spewing as no-one in my world would/could audition with me. Some can't afford it, missus can't leave the kids that long, one mate is married to work, another mate just got back to Aus and although has no job and is available wants to "settle down" and make something of himself - PLEASE!!!!!
Good luck getting on the show mate. I love that show so much and I loved it even more when they had a "short" person too. Just like me!!! But I don't think I could go on that show...