...but not until Nov 19
You may have noticed that I have been spending a bit on the pc lately.
Well I have known for about two months that my days of working at my current job were numbered and being part of the Management team I actually had an idea when the final date was going to be, so with that in mind thought should buy whilst I had the income.
The final date announcement was made to all staff today and the date has in fact been brought forward.
So from Nov 19 I join the ranks of the unemployed.
Watching a few nice cards so may be making a couple more nice purchases between now and then.
You may have noticed that I have been spending a bit on the pc lately.
Well I have known for about two months that my days of working at my current job were numbered and being part of the Management team I actually had an idea when the final date was going to be, so with that in mind thought should buy whilst I had the income.
The final date announcement was made to all staff today and the date has in fact been brought forward.
So from Nov 19 I join the ranks of the unemployed.
Watching a few nice cards so may be making a couple more nice purchases between now and then.