After reading the past few posts in this thread I was a little nervous since too have been waiting for cards from Glenn.
Got my cards today, well packed and within a reasonable time so very happy.
If anyone is skeptic about this seller I hope my story puts your mind at ease a little and for the ones having problems with him just PM him don't scrutinise him in public and ruin his chance with others. We're all human after all and have lives outside of this site plus we're all allowed to make a few trading errors here and there so give the guy a chance.
Just my 2c worth and FYI I don't know Glenn personally, just sticking up for a fellow trader and putting everyone else's mind at ease.
I'm glad you got your cards Ping, my mind will be put to ease when I get my card, I don't see how not sending a card is an error?
Ping problems start when communication breaks down, If Glenn answers his PM's and communicates with people we would not have to post in public,
I have sent him a number of PM's with no reply, I have done 3 other trades after him and received all the cards.
Glenn is on here a few times during the day, why does he have problems answering his PM's "Why" he is lucky to have a friend like you Ping.
Fair enough, just wanted to give you some hope that's all. People forget stuff, now you know he's human.
Yeah he doesn't answer PMs right away but you're not the only person he deals with, he did that to me too, you just need to have a little patience. Sometimes we leave our computers on whilst we are still logged into this site so it seems like we're always on. Also, a simple "Please check your PMs" should suffice, I'd understand your actions if it was a month late but it's only been a week.
He's not a friend, I was once a sceptic too but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and give everyone a chance.
Thanks for trying to give me hope, I know people forget stuff but he has made an agreement to trade which he has to follow through. It’s been more than a week now Ping, I checked my P.O Box today and guess what ? Yep ! , no Card, I wasn’t surprised, I too try to give people the benefit of the doubt and give everyone a chance but he has led me to my actions only because of his lack of communication.
Just to let you know, I still haven't received the card,
It was not my intension to do this but you've left me with no choice, I have just opened a paypal dispuit against you and also left you negative feedback.
This is a great site with wonderful people, I hope you change your ways and be honest to people in the future.