I know... was fantastic effort on my part Sometimes I do get lucky it seems... amazing... lol Just glad I don't have to pay for it for three weeks!!!! God bless this seller of mine....
I know I am still kinda amazed was waiting to be outbid cos I put my bid in with an hour or so to go then had to make some phonecalls.... came back and had it... I was stoked (since I only put $3.50 on it as my max).
Got to love bargains. Was after Jameer SPx Throwback RC (which I won), but bid on some other cards the seller had (to reduce postage burden). Won all 4 of them for 99c each, so it makes me even happier.
Yeah thanks I also won at least two other uncircs (one NFL and YAY my first Baseball uncirc) and not sure on the other two I was bidding on yet though....
It's official I won 5 of 5 uncirculated cards from my seller.... the Devin, three NFL and one Baseball.... all for .99, including a couple rookie cards and a Chrome X-Fractor.
With postage equating to $5.95 combined not too bad.