(AIR) Nice mailday right before my birthday. Happy.


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Hello boys and girls, just want to share some MJ PC from the last few weeks.

My personal favour was the MJ materials shoe card, it was thick card but strange it was no # on it. ( Becasue it was my 1st mj shoe card and it just arrive it today. Oh sorry about the size of the pic, Still learn how to edit it with texts.:D )

Hope you will enjoy it. Cheers :wave:
LOVE the ultimate game jsy, i love the patches and jsys from that year, great set, and MJ to boot!
Thanks guys for the comment, yes the ultimate jesey was beauty im working on my 1st patch card as well. Maybe a patch/auto? :lol:
Great addition to the PC....

Love the R.O.Y..... hope the left hand side was cut off by the scanner & not the card itself.....
Brilliant!!!! 2 4 me, 0 4 u insert.Very classy those back-to-back skybox inserts.

Great pick up on the Retro Star card as well.
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