Got this AI off Hilly before I stopped collecting and sent it to get graded I left the peel on even though I knew it would bring the entire grade down, as you can always take it off and regrade but u cant put it back on..(that was my thinking anyway).
As you can see from the Grades 10,9.5,9 and 8 surface (peel) comfortably a 9.5+ if peeled.
(shit scan i know) Iverson Rc Refractor BGS 9.0
Cheers man coulda taken a 9.5 but as I said can always crack it take the peel off and get 9.5 If someone wants to...such a lovely card the scan really does suck bigtime.
9 is already great for AI finest RC.. great stuff.... and fantastic grade...
i love the way it is.. and when we scan closeup graded cards, they all look pretty bad.. because of the scanning ray vs plastic surface of the graded case..