ducky: im up for it whenever you are so shoot me a message when you wanna play
Mike: AOE is better than Roller Coaster Tycoon, Sim City etc coz not only do you need to build up an empire, you get to destroy your opponents empire at the same time
Tho i must say i love Sim City too, am playing Sim City 4 as we speak
ducky: im up for it whenever you are so shoot me a message when you wanna play
Mike: AOE is better than Roller Coaster Tycoon, Sim City etc coz not only do you need to build up an empire, you get to destroy your opponents empire at the same time
Tho i must say i love Sim City too, am playing Sim City 4 as we speak
Haven't played AOE3, but I love #2! I always use the Turks and build a crap load of those bombard towers at all river crossings, then go over and stir the enemy into chasing me... Soon enough they run out of soldiers and money, then I take the onagers over and destroy at my leisure. Yes, I'm am a spineless wuss...