Advice/thoughts needed... read more inside


Morrow Super Collector
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A few of you would know how much I love my cards and frankly sometimes feels like the best thing I got going on in my life....

A few of you also know that I lost my job recently.

From that moment I've been looking at my cards differently. They don't bring me joy (except the Riders) and I have even considered trying to sell a lot of them - hence the putting the Ray Allen cards up (but there was no interest there).

I don't wanna do anything rash I recognise this, but.... I feel so lost. Almost like I am questioning why I collect in the first place.

It is almost like a crisis of conscience - except not.

I don't even know if I want to keep collecting at all and almost feel like offering everything up for grabs (again apart from Rider, will never part with him).

Just wondering if anyone else has ever felt like this?
when I got back into the hobby, I didnt have a job. I had been collecting drob for years, so obviously they werent going to go, but I had millions of others lying around.

I basically funded my collecting habits by cutting the fat of my collection down to just robinson cards..

now Im down to just a few thousand commons that arent robinsons, so the whole "funding" program is done...and Im thinking...should I spend on cards? are they really worth it?
These things happen to everyone I think.

Ive felt this way twice and it usually coincides with one or more of: stress/personal problems/spending way too much on eBay.

If you think your world is crashing around you, just take a break from collecting and reevaluate your goals after a week or so.

Also, don't try and collect every single player to don on a Twolves shirt, youll go crazy in the proccess :smt120
Yeah Trey... I hear you....

I have some very nice collections growing.... and yet right now I feel like tearing them all up. Except that would be even dumber than selling them.

I consider sellign what I can, gettign everything paid off, and start again with a more refined focus...

but I just don't know.
Its just a phase of life, If you have been constantly working im sure you will have no trouble getting another job, you obviously have skills I think everyone on this site at least once has thought "why the hell am I collecting" and "I should just give it all away" (I know I have) so hang tough maybe keep what you have and just back off buying for a few months and it will all come up smelling like roses. Cheers Shoes (Cal)
Lippo said:
These things happen to everyone I think.

Ive felt this way twice and it usually coincides with one or more of: stress/personal problems/spending way too much on eBay.

If you think your world is crashing around you, just take a break from collecting and reevaluate your goals after a week or so.

Also, don't try and collect every single player to don on a Twolves shirt, youll go crazy in the proccess :smt120

Yeah I already have pu t a halt to the twolves collection and have pretty much put all my player collections to a halt cept Rider...

and yes geelong fan I am a bit depressed.... I'd actually spent the last 4 months improving my life and getting out of my last funk. I got there then lost my job and now I am fighting hard to not fall back into the funk I was in.... this si relaly why I hate how important money is in life. But it is something that everyone has to live with....

I just hate that I don't feel liek I even like my cards anymore. Doesn't feel right to dislike them so much.
Shoes said:
Its just a phase of life, If you have been constantly working im sure you will have no trouble getting another job, you obviously have skills I think everyone on this site at least once has thought "why the hell am I collecting" and "I should just give it all away" (I know I have) so hang tough maybe keep what you have and just back off buying for a few months and it will all come up smelling like roses. Cheers Shoes (Cal)

LMAO for two years I worked probably the one job in the world that doesn't help me get another job....

A Media Monitor ( I summarised news items from the radio and uploaded them in a database).

But I am trying for everything and anything... even applied for a job as mail sorter today. (hehe at least then my mail MIGHT get to me LMAO).
I've been there too.

I thought about offloading my Barkleys, the Mavs collections, and even once thought of offloading my Devins.

But thought too, offloading them would get me $ for x amount of time until it was gone. Would the $ REALLY be worth it in say 6-12 months..... NO.

I have down-sized on my collecting habbits, yet I still spend X amount of money so I'm not really down-sizing my spendings.

I think AJ, stick with ya Riders, box up the rest of ya cards, and put em on ebay. See what happens. If you've got autos and GU cards, you're bound to get some money for em.

Advertise the Autos, and throw in the rest???

GL with it all!!! Of course, sing out if ya need someone to talk!
Here's my 2 cents AJ.
We don't know each other for nuts
Now if u lost yr job - THAT'S TOUGH - I guess it depends on like u said how much u get out of it - getting on the net on this site etc. I've had a ball since I've been on here - I'd just joined beckett and it's nowhere near as relaxed. Everyone's great - would u still stay on the site here??

I really hope yr luck changes - i've never lost a job but we've had 2 miscarriages in the last yr so know what down in the dumps is...

By the way - u should join beckett if u have some ray allen cards - waaaayyy bigger audience and it takes minutes to join. U could sell quite a few I reckon....
Thanks Scotty. I dunno what I will do. I might just sit on them for a while and just try and dig my way out slowly.

and sorry everyone for being such a big girls blouse LOL
ljandkg said:
Here's my 2 cents AJ.
We don't know each other for nuts
Now if u lost yr job - THAT'S TOUGH - I guess it depends on like u said how much u get out of it - getting on the net on this site etc. I've had a ball since I've been on here - I'd just joined beckett and it's nowhere near as relaxed. Everyone's great - would u still stay on the site here??

I really hope yr luck changes - i've never lost a job but we've had 2 miscarriages in the last yr so know what down in the dumps is...

By the way - u should join beckett if u have some ray allen cards - waaaayyy bigger audience and it takes minutes to join. U could sell quite a few I reckon....

Really don't wanna send overseas. Otherwise I would hop on Beckett for that purpose.

Hey I ain't leaving this site for anything. I love this place, love the people and I do appreciate a nice card.

I shouldn't do anything rash.

And mate I am sorry to hear about the miscarriages.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AJ stay strong. You can't let em' go now.
Things will turn around very shortly and you'll be glad you didn't
get rid of em'
Dream is right....the end of a shit situation is just the start of a good one....

Dont get down on yourself, something will DEFINENTLY come up. Hell i could find you a job in Rocky if you are interested!!!

Everyone gets in these little funks....but something will always come up and just make sure youkeep yourself surrounded with positive people!!!

Yeah as others have said things will turn around. I've had some major downs in the last few years but things always turn good eventually.

A few years ago I sold a big part of my card collection and some game worn shoes I had because I needed money at the time. Now I look back at it as a huge mistake as 6 months later everything was fine. Luckily now I've gotten back almost everything I sold but it was a big regret.

Keep your collection unless things get absolutely desperate but your passion for cards will return, it always does!
DVS said:
Dream is right....the end of a shit situation is just the start of a good one....

Dont get down on yourself, something will DEFINENTLY come up. Hell i could find you a job in Rocky if you are interested!!!

Everyone gets in these little funks....but something will always come up and just make sure youkeep yourself surrounded with positive people!!!


Dude if I didn't have a 12 month lease expiring in November.... I'd take you up on that. Still fingers crossed something comes of the jobs I've applied for this week.

And a general thanks for everyone... I'm going to sit tight and just try and navigate my way through this situation, without parting with too many of my cards.
Thing's will get better mate.
I am going to dig up all my riders & send you.So you do not have to worry about not having a mail day next week.
I bet you don't have a few of them.
So look out.
I have 1000's of cards,that will never be any good to me,so i would rather get rid of them to someone who would love them,riders in your case.
Get rid of the stuff you don't need or want & try to make a few buck's.
Hang tough mate.
Having looked at your cards briefly, I don't really see the point in dumping everything. It's not as though you have a high end collection that could significantly change your current financial situation if you sold. I would advise focusing on trading rather than buying/selling cards until you are in a better position. In other words, trade those cards that "no longer bring joy" for those that do, such as Riders (who by the way was one of my favorite players back in the day). Speaking of which I have a very call game on VHS where Jimmy and Rider go off playing for the Hawks!

GL whatever you do and all the best in the future.
aussie2al said:
Thing's will get better mate.
I am going to dig up all my riders & send you.So you do not have to worry about not having a mail day next week.
I bet you don't have a few of them.
So look out.
I have 1000's of cards,that will never be any good to me,so i would rather get rid of them to someone who would love them,riders in your case.
Get rid of the stuff you don't need or want & try to make a few buck's.
Hang tough mate.

That's quite possibly one of the nicest things anyone has ever said/done for me.

Thank you.

If I don't have one of them I'll be ecstatic. Besides I could always start collecting duplicates and aim for the best and second best Rider collection in Australia ;)
jimmy jackson said:
Having looked at your cards briefly, I don't really see the point in dumping everything. It's not as though you have a high end collection that could significantly change your current financial situation if you sold. I would advise focusing on trading rather than buying/selling cards until you are in a better position. In other words, trade those cards that "no longer bring joy" for those that do, such as Riders (who by the way was one of my favorite players back in the day). Speaking of which I have a very call game on VHS where Jimmy and Rider go off playing for the Hawks!

GL whatever you do and all the best in the future.

Yeah I wasn't expecting it to bring in much cash. I dunno. I'm sitting tight for the time being, but definitely more open for a decent trade for Riders.

Dang I'd love to see that Hawks game!
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