Advice Needed Please


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Hey Guys,
First up, a Very Merry and Safe Christmas to you all.

I have the opportunity to by this card at what I'd consider a good price but I keep deferring because I'm not sure about the pen mark next to the auto. Will it detract from the card's value? Should I go ahead and buy it despite the flaw? What value would you guys place on such a card?


Your advice is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards Ang
These started off with a bang but have been falling in price! It has a weak patch on it to start with. Stringer patches of the same card has sold anywhere up to $2000! This card in paticular has been on ebay twice now

And the reason it has sold so low is the sharpie mark on the right. If you are planning on getting it graded, don't go near it. If not, it's a good opportunity to grab that card for a cheap price.

Personally, not a fan of the auto, patch and the sharpie mark. I'd give it a miss.
A wise man as always, think I'll give it a miss then. Thanks Norm. :thumbsup:
These started off with a bang but have been falling in price! It has a weak patch on it to start with. Stringer patches of the same card has sold anywhere up to $2000! This card in paticular has been on ebay twice now

And the reason it has sold so low is the sharpie mark on the right. If you are planning on getting it graded, don't go near it. If not, it's a good opportunity to grab that card for a cheap price.

Personally, not a fan of the auto, patch and the sharpie mark. I'd give it a miss.
Unless the price is incredibly low (under $300), I'd give it a miss.

If you ever tried to re-sell, people will always hammer you with the pen mark.

If you're gonna stash it for keeps, go ahead.

But with so much Kyrie stuff out there, I'm sure you could grab something else or that card for a good price.
Horrible auto and patch. 75% of his signatures the K's look crappy and this one is a prime example.

I'd steer clear that's for sure, there's better ones to be had. I also hate this picture of him, the movement looks a little retarded, I can't believe how many stupid pictures get put on cards these days.
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