OK, been in hospital for nearly 5 weeks, got out 2 days ago, busted a LOT of packages! Huge thanks to all who I dealt with that kept my mind off things
Thanks to my buddy Steve for the first 2, the Tracy Murray was a bonus and is a precious metal gems #ed 50
This West is #ed to 18 only
A nice Chalmers RC
Kobe gu
Next 2 fellas will be on new teams
A nice Young RC
This Boozer is jersey #ed 5/35
Moving onto some new exquisite.....
Some SPA for the PC (rescanned the Rose as promise, last time used someone else's pic!)
Felton/CP3 dual RC AUTO /30
And some graded cards, including an upgrade to my cp3 SPx RC!
Upgrade from
to this
(Scanner doesn't pick up depth very well..... )
And these 2 Durant RCs are back in my pc after being traded (Ben will appreciate these 2! )
OMG!!! i was wondering where it was gonna stop... some absloultely sick patches there dude. killer rose auto/patch, brilliant durant autos, love the fransisco auto/patch, brilliant cp3's especially the compare and contrast
btw sonny weems looks like he had been smoking weed for like 8 hours straight before that photo, surely they had better shots than that!!
OMG!!! i was wondering where it was gonna stop... some absloultely sick patches there dude. killer rose auto/patch, brilliant durant autos, love the fransisco auto/patch, brilliant cp3's especially the compare and contrast
btw sonny weems looks like he had been smoking weed for like 8 hours straight before that photo, surely they had better shots than that!!
WOW!!! Absolutely sick stuff!!! I cant even put into words how sick your mailday was. But you know that this mailday would have been much better if that card came in already
WOW!!! Absolutely sick stuff!!! I cant even put into words how sick your mailday was. But you know that this mailday would have been much better if that card came in already
Man thats an awwwwsome mailday! I dunno where to start, i love that exquisite augustin with the part of the bobcats logo it looks insane! The compare and contrast card is really nice aswell as are the durants. Great mailday mate, hope your gettin on top of things to!