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Well that sucked really bad :(

I am bidding on an Auction online. ( not ebay, just a local estate auction)

anyways, between lots i thought id browse OCT as usual.......

Well i came across a for sale thread, clicked it to take a look ( not going to mention whos)

Anyways, it turns out this thread had HEAPS of images in it, from what i could tell before my comp had a stroke from trying to download all the images i spotted at least upto image 60 something.....

The point it my comp doesnt like downloading heaps of images at once like that and craps out every time.
So to avoid doing it I take he advice when people put a not in the thread title saying "SCAN HEAVY" in wich case i dont look at them until i have plenty of time, at least then it gives me some sort of warning...

The point is, The 5 mins it took for me to get enough control of my comp to get it to do a restart ( everything FROZE ) and by the time it restarted and i logged back into my auction I missed out on bidding for several lots :(

Well i really just wanted to whinge, ( it may make me feel better)
and hopefully others read this and can help some of us out and please give us a warning when there is HEAPS of scanned images.
cntrl +alt +dlt kill browser is your friend.

I too have a slow PC and that is the quiest way to solve the problem.

for me it gets annoying when I am ready to bid and someone calls and gets me to look at something and i miss the auction haha. done that 4 times this week.
HAHA< im not a noob lol even that didnt help..........
my screen looked something like this!

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