wannabe all-stars OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 138 0 0 May 27, 2008 #21 Congrats mate 3 of the best hope all is well.
ace e OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 265 0 0 May 27, 2008 #22 Huge congrats, hopefully he can keep that great fleer collection going when you decide to pass it down .
Huge congrats, hopefully he can keep that great fleer collection going when you decide to pass it down .
Chowpei OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 225 0 0 May 28, 2008 #23 Allstar cards inc said: Tossed up a few names...Kobe, Lamar, Pau....but Henry won out!! Click to expand... haha! i think Henry is way better than Pau lol. 1000x Conrats mate!
Allstar cards inc said: Tossed up a few names...Kobe, Lamar, Pau....but Henry won out!! Click to expand... haha! i think Henry is way better than Pau lol. 1000x Conrats mate!