Just a few cards that have recently come for my Limited Trios chase.
Got this one for a bargain
Should have a few more of these incoming next week
And lastly, a card i have been after for ages. Finally one came up for auction, picked up to pretty cheaply i believe
Which now gives me a complete set of KG base cards from Exquisite Just a small completion, however im very happy. Now onto Duncan and Pierce
Now to go drown my sorrows with the Celts going down They played a great finals series, beating the top 2 sides in the East and almost beating the Lakers. Awesome effort by them
With the Trios set, im mainly going for the #/99, #/25 and #/10 cards. I've picked up a couple Triple Jersey cards, the Patch and Triple Auto cards haven't come up much.
I'm 3 short for the #/99, 8 short for the #/25 and 8 short for the #/10. Slowly but surely getting there