Pity Chris Rock didn't knock this clown's head in. He could've accepted the Oscar whilst having his jaw rewired. That incident wasn't funny. It was awful. I wish I hadn't seen it. There's way too much anger and violence in this world without having it unexpectedly beamed into loungerooms without warning.
The funny part might be the analysis. It will get the "toxic masculinity treatment" but sadly for those who love this kind of stuff it can't get the "white toxic masculinity treatment".
It also reinforces for me that somehow black on black violence is ok. Imagine if a white man had stepped up and done that? Or if the presenter was white?They probably would've cheered.
This incident was depressing. Nothing funny about it at all.
I only saw the incident with the sound deleted. It's way worse with the sound. Let's see how Hollyweird reacts. Will they cancel Smith? Just like they cancelled Russel Crowe after he threw a telephone at a concierge( Crowe never worked in a Hollywood blockbuster ever again). I don't think so.
There must be some more history between Chris and Will otherwise that’s a fairly strong (over) reaction there by Will. or maybe he just snapped after a lot of pressure, remember all that talk about them having an open relationship but Jada being the boss and her history with Tupac? Will got a bit emasculated there and trying to take back some power? Weird way to do it though, on that stage. imo he‘ll definitely have to pay some sort of price for that slap.
People were saying he got punched. He got bitch slapped - huge difference. Something that comedians make jokes about all the time. he didn’t press charges, he can use this for material the rest of his career.
Will laughed at the joke (someone then told him what it meant) his Mrs. didn't look impressed so Will then decided to try and get back into the marital bed and get some brownie points by sticking up for his woman.
How funny is it that GI Jane finally gets its first Oscars mention decades after it was released! haha
There's a lot to this. I've calmed down a bit since yesterday but I hate seeing what I deem an unprovoked act of violence. Had Chris Rock kinged him as Smith walked off smugly and then curb stomped him a couple of times I would have loved it. I hate seeing aggressive acts of violence but I love seeing someone retaliate to it.
I hated the whole look. This B grade actor, who has pumped out one s....movie after another for 25 years, was allowed to stay in the building and receive his lifetime participation award( Oscar) instead of being escorted out of the building. That was an attack on all comedians. You can laugh at that but that's what it was. Millions saw that and some will copy it. We live in such a woke cesspit these days.
I wouldn't be surprised if that tosser has unleashed a few of those 'slaps' on his Mrs over the years.
Also, that's not a bitchslap imo. That had a fair bit of force and was more like a side of the hand strike with the follow through making it look like a slap.