Hi folks,
Well on my long and lonely road to 200 jersey #'d cards I reached another milestone I set myself. A while back I realised it might be within my grasp to get 21Garnett jersey numbered autos...
And today #21 showed up in the post. It's not a monumentally fantastic card but it's nice enough, and adds to a very nice collection of 04-05 jersey #'d autos that is slowly coming together...
Without further ado, here's #21......
Below are the other 20 jersey #'d autos I own, starting with the other 04-05 cards, and then the rest....
Hope u enjoy them and be sure to check out my other mailday....
Cheers Al
And here are the rest that I have in no particular order....
W/ Bosh
..and finally, one of my more valuable ones...
Hope u enjoyed them as much as I have putting them together