I started this set in about 2010, just by sending them out as TTM's and also asking players at games/trainings. It's been my first attempt at completing a full signed base set, its not been easy because some players autographs are hard to get because they don't TTM and rarely play in Adelaide i.e Brett Lee. Slowly the cards have been coming in in dribs and drabs from players across the whole country, it's been really exciting!
I have only just started having an active go at completing the signed inserts and the signed die-cuts. In the future I wish to knock these of the wish-list as well.
The aim is to have every card signed. I have put the whole collection into the matching select folder, which I think looks great!
Lastly I would like to that all the people on this forum who have helped me out with trades and so on, thanks for making this place a great forum!