911_Turbo OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 180 0 0 Nov 24, 2012 #1 Gday all, Haven't posted in this section for a while now, so got some scans together to show you my latest pickups. Been a wrestling fan for about 12 years, finally decided to grab some relics/autos of my favourite wrestlers: Finally found this auto of an Aussie boxing legend and a Sport Kings base of the one of the best ever: And lastly the MMA. Rutten was a $0.99 Ebay bargain and my first #/8 cards from Knockout 2010: Cheers for looking, hope you enjoyed
Gday all, Haven't posted in this section for a while now, so got some scans together to show you my latest pickups. Been a wrestling fan for about 12 years, finally decided to grab some relics/autos of my favourite wrestlers: Finally found this auto of an Aussie boxing legend and a Sport Kings base of the one of the best ever: And lastly the MMA. Rutten was a $0.99 Ebay bargain and my first #/8 cards from Knockout 2010: Cheers for looking, hope you enjoyed
Jets59 OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 57 0 0 Nov 25, 2012 #2 Nice pick ups Glenn. That bas was a steal! Wish I saw that lol. I definately need to pick me up some boxing autos of a few of my favs I think.
Nice pick ups Glenn. That bas was a steal! Wish I saw that lol. I definately need to pick me up some boxing autos of a few of my favs I think.
devo OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 27 0 0 Nov 27, 2012 #3 Good work Glenn! Are you getting any bloodlines boxes next week?
911_Turbo OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 180 0 0 Nov 27, 2012 #4 devo said: Good work Glenn! Are you getting any bloodlines boxes next week? Click to expand... Will pick up a box I'd say just to have a look at the product
devo said: Good work Glenn! Are you getting any bloodlines boxes next week? Click to expand... Will pick up a box I'd say just to have a look at the product