From @GoMoto to @joesensei
Mooy Signature
Valeri Signature
Slater Signature
Young Guns Gersbach $5.00
16/17 Golds x 11
16/17 Silvers x 21
15/16 Gold Valeri
17/18 Commons x 3
On price mentioned in PMs.
From @joesensei to @GoMoto
17/18 Commons x 3.
Mooy Signature
Valeri Signature
Slater Signature
Young Guns Gersbach $5.00
16/17 Golds x 11
16/17 Silvers x 21
15/16 Gold Valeri
17/18 Commons x 3
On price mentioned in PMs.
From @joesensei to @GoMoto
17/18 Commons x 3.