I won't mention his name here but I'm sure u can track him down via eBay , spins u a bullshit story how he wants the card but can't afford too much and his mum has to put the money into his PayPal !
Keep in mind he's an adult lol anyhow I sold him the below card for $100 with others so all all up $150 and a few days later he puts the card on eBay for $1500 lol just thought I'd save everyone the hassle of being nice to someone only for them to scam a good card to make money . Cheers
This sounds like good_old_bball, I'm sure that scumbag is still around somewhere.
Yeah it sucks when people scab like that, I have no problem cutting deals for people that have a PC going, but flippers that work like this are the worst.
Yeah sweet to sell a few cards to buy more for ur collection but not to try and buy a million doller home lol can't believe he's attempting to make 1400 off it haha
This sounds like good_old_bball, I'm sure that scumbag is still around somewhere.
Yeah it sucks when people scab like that, I have no problem cutting deals for people that have a PC going, but flippers that work like this are the worst.