Boxing A Couple More.....


Magic Johnson and David Robinson ON CARD autos
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Just got a couple more Autos in for the Carter PC! Really loving the Boxing PC at the moment! Good to get something different to the usual basketball stuff and from a fighter that I love!

These first 2 were on the Bay for BIN/BO and the prices were a faor bit too high for my liking, plus the guy would only ship to US. So, I emailed him to negotiate the prices (to less than half of his asking ;)) and then had a mate from NY make the offers for me. All went well and they arrived today!

Leaf Ali Auto AAU-5

A bit smudged, but a good buy for the price I got it for! ;)

Leaf Ali Auto AAU-6 - /25 Version

I also just completed a trade with a guy from Germany for another one of the 5 Leaf Ali Prismatic Red autos. I already had #5/5 and just got #4/5 as well in a trade for some NBA stuff!

Looks like this one:

Would be open to trading this for another Carter auto, or even another Boxer auto of some sort?

Thanks for looking!
Also this ends tomorrow still a very low price the auto looks close to authentic but wouldn't surprise me if its a fake as I have never heard of that authentication company.

I took the risk on a decent priced roger may weather glove last week and I am pretty sure its authentic the guy has photos I know you can buy these for a couple of $$ but you can tell it was signed by someone thats taken too many head shots
Love my boxing Rubin Carter is a bit above my price range and more a old school philly fighter fan but...
I saw this one today if your looking for more Hurricane autos.
Also this ends tomorrow still a very low price the auto looks close to authentic but wouldn't surprise me if its a fake as I have never heard of that authentication company.

I took the risk on a decent priced roger may weather glove last week and I am pretty sure its authentic the guy has photos I know you can buy these for a couple of $$ but you can tell it was signed by someone thats taken too many head shots

Wow! I didn't see these replies until just now! Thanks for the heads up. A bit late, but thanks nonetheless.

I actually already have the Gold version of that ringside one. It is probably my favourite 'auto only' card in my PC! And I got it cheaper than those standard /65 ones! haha

I have recently got something AWESOME in for the Hurricane pc, so keep an eye out soon ;)
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