A catch up kind of mail day


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Been awhile since I did a mail day but got a card in today that motivated me to do one

First up a few things from some breaks and trades

(Lin /5)

Couple of Panini Redemptions came in

Only picked up a couple of Dwights of recent, although the Ebay gods were kind to me today on a super crazy one for my next mailday ;)

A couple of nice Kobes

Finally the card that motivated me to do the mail day a little bit of 1/1 action

As always thanks for checking them out!
Love the jumbo patches, 90s on card autos and the youth movement there with Parker and Payton. Good to see some more Dwight was added to the PC too!
I think ANY of the other cards there are sweet enough to get me to do a mailday but it takes a 1/1 for you these days huh? That's tough! :lol:

Awesome stuff Matt, some really nice stuff in there - Cartwright Premium and Marc Gasol patch are highlights!
Fantastic lot of cards mate! Especially love the duel auto Olajuwon and Drexler, and of course that Kobe 1of1 is SIIIIIIIIIIK!!
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