Well after a prolonged saga my 120th Garnett #21 or jersey #'d card is here. And thank $^$%^ for that as it has been a long time coming, but now that it's here I'm reminded just what a cool hobby this is.......
I was first made aware of this card about 2 years ago when a French KG collector told me he had 3 #21 cards, what they were (all AWESOME), and that they were PC. Being the respectful (cough!) gentleman I am I took him for his word and wished him all the best.
As there have been virtually no #21 KG cards on ebay I have struck hard times and decided to contact collectors I knew had #21 cards. Matthieu was one of them.
Let me start by saying he has the best KG completist collection I have seen. I collect KG collections! They're all in my favourites - ones from China, France, Taiwan, Oz, US and his is the best.....I google KG one day and I noticed he was developing a website. It had a wantlist and I realised I had about 8 cards he needed (HUGE LIGHTBULB MOMENT )
I get in touch suggesting my 8 cards for 1 of his I wanted - He was polite but said No - the only way he'd trade it is if I replaced his actual card which was rare enough in itself! I hunted like the DOG I am and the only one I'd ever seen was at burbank (YES THAT'S RIGHT - WHERE THOSE #$%^# FIT IN) Anyway they had the card overpriced as usual. Patrick (LJBIGGESTFAN) said he might be able to talk them down and he did by about $15. I figured I'd pay the price they were asking for the jersey #'d version so I said yes to Patrick getting it for me as I figured that'd be the only way I'd be able to land Matthieu's card....
Luckily I was wrong. The same night Matthieu decided he'd do the 8 cards for his #21 card. I was stoked!! But then I was pissed :evil: :evil: I'd already asked Pat to get the card for me....
Funnily enough (I won't be much longer!!!) Burbank decided to renege on their deal and UP THE PRICE AGAIN!! Patrick pm'ed me asking if I was still interested and I gave him the big HELL NO!!!
A week later it is here and it is GOOOD!!! Thanks for reading (or skipping if u got bored!)
Here's #120 (and #121 is on the mail!)
From 99-00
It's plain and simple.....
Thanks for looking and hope u like it half as much as I do....
So where's the link to my awesome KG collection boy! ??? LOL
Awesome read though.... And glad you got yet another.
Who knows (even though I never got a reply on the Rider you directed me to) you may get yet another one as someone is trying to work a three way trade with me so they have something for you matey lol
I was thinking more of all the subscriptions in photobucket? Or is that people subscribed to you? If so I must for the fact you have so many people that like your collection (just as I do).
I was thinking more of all the subscriptions in photobucket? Or is that people subscribed to you? If so I must for the fact you have so many people that like your collection (just as I do).