Well, a BIN/BO listing is used to get an offer of around 50%+ imo. So I don't think it is that far fetched!
BV means nothing! If it is a legit card, then I can't see why it wouldn't go in the hundreds! There are a few crazy Penny collectors out there!
Possibly his first ever logoman, even if it is a part logoman. And, I think anything that is of a big name player and only 1:7,500 should be over $125!
Well I just sold off my treasured Ajinca RC, so am feeling flushed with cash at the moment.
Please feel free to sell me all your high-end Ed Cota cards!
Edit: Ahhhh, now I remember why the name rang a bell, there was a big thread a little while back about him which led to a thread being posted on BO where all his groupies defended him and then the thread ended up getting deleted.
he mentioned to me that he bought a collection from a well respected collector who is now out of the hobby due to illness..does it mean he is telling the truth? no of course not but he may be? either wat i don't mess with these patch cards that contain a logoman because they simply seem too good to be true,especially when someone wants over $1k for it.I would have bought it from him for a few hundo but nothing more,i actually just got one of these in the mail (not the "sickest" of patched but hell i know it's real - just uploaded into my mailday post