A bit of everything mailday


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Gday all,

Haven't posted a mailday in here for quite some time, thought I would show off some of my latest pickups.

First up, another addition to the Ambrose collection:

Next up, a nice wrestling dual auto of the Motor City Machine Guns:

Onto a boxing autograph. Already had one of his however I really like this set and always great to have an on-card auto:

And finally, my latest MMA additions.

First we have a card from the original MMA set, Prime #/75

Now onto the Topps releases. Big Franklin fan, trying to get an auto of his from every Topps set. Also like collecting the legends of the sport, Rutten is my first printing plate of any kind. The Condit and Nick Diaz were pulled from loose packs.

And to finish off, some received redemptions. Didn't think I would receive either of them after waiting quite some time, received these out of the blue:

Pity about the fight, however still a sweet piece of MMA memorabilia :D

Cheers for having a look, until next time :thumbsup:

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