a biiiiiiiig grey coloured kobe bryant mailday


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soooo. i have won some printing plates that was used to make the beckett monthly magazines from beckett of ebay. when i have won my second plate i realized that the first plate set is identical like the second one that i am bidding on it right now. then a new set of it popped out and so..at once, there are 3 identical printing plate sets from beckett. i alsked beckett if it is a mistake, but they said that they have many sets to make a magazine.
anyways..today i have picked them all up together from my postoffice and here they are:

3 full printing plates magazine sets


and also a card plate....
1996 scoreboard plate kobe bryant

now i am at this number:
kobe bryant masterpieces total: 52 (+ extra 3 masterpieces incoming)

yeah..my favourit colours seems to be: GREY or BLINGBLING style (look at signature and avatar and unno what i mean):rolleyes:

those beckett plates r sweet mate and love the scoreboard plate awesome dunk in allstar uni rc, well done
thank you. these plates look espcially nice when they are framed as sets together. i have 4 beckett magazine sets now...they will look nice in my new appartement soon;)
yeah. thanks. in about a month my appartement will be ready, so that i can move in. i will definately made pics of it then..of my crib;)
Sweet 1996 scoreboard cyan plate you can pick most players up pretty cheap, not sure about Koby thou
NOw there's something you don't see everyday.

Printing Plates for the Beckett's!

Well done Kristijan, that's awesome mate!

And another Masterpiece there too, great stuff!!
thank you all guys...i appreciate your comments

i have picked it up for not that much. have paid about 50$...a very good price if u see at which price kobe plates ususally go

yeah. they are metal. i would say that the cardplates are a lil bit more harder. these beckett plates are easier to bend.

thanks man..yes..pickung up everything that could be counted as a masterpiece.
by the way...you should get u a beckett issue #198 when it comes out...
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