thanks to westriot - gary chan
just the inserts:
- intimidators - kevin garnett, marcus camby, jum jackson
- netsets - vin baker
- thunder/ lightning - stockton/ malone
- jeff mcinnis rc ruby
- best picks - tim duncan, karl malone
- best techniques - grant hill x2, hakeem olajuwon
- refractors - karl malone, brant reeves, anthony mason
- atomic refractor - anthony mason
topps fullcourt
- co-signers - raymon felton/ roy williams
- chrome rc - lamarcus aldridge, bobby jones, PJ tucker, rudy gay refractor
americana (1 auto or memorabilia per box!)
- jimmy stewart suit ( i think he is the guy from the hitcock movies)
- james cagney/ gloria stuart costumes
- ray park (darth maul) signature
- mark hamill signature
must have been a hot box!!!!!
just the inserts:
- intimidators - kevin garnett, marcus camby, jum jackson
- netsets - vin baker
- thunder/ lightning - stockton/ malone
- jeff mcinnis rc ruby
- best picks - tim duncan, karl malone
- best techniques - grant hill x2, hakeem olajuwon
- refractors - karl malone, brant reeves, anthony mason
- atomic refractor - anthony mason
topps fullcourt
- co-signers - raymon felton/ roy williams
- chrome rc - lamarcus aldridge, bobby jones, PJ tucker, rudy gay refractor
americana (1 auto or memorabilia per box!)
- jimmy stewart suit ( i think he is the guy from the hitcock movies)
- james cagney/ gloria stuart costumes
- ray park (darth maul) signature
- mark hamill signature
must have been a hot box!!!!!