Good stuff! Didn't realise 1st day issue was an insert, I just assumed the first boxes produced were all labelled as such.
I never had Stadium Club back in the day but just had the 93-94 S1 + 2 base set and Shaq beam team arrive in my SMC shipment last week. Kind-of messy with multiple cards numbered and not reflected in checklist which I don't think I've seen in any other 93/94 sets.
That Pippen dunk on Oliver Miller is getting towards the level of nasty he did to Patrick Ewing. I don't think he walked all over him after this one though
I am very slowly attempting to complete the set of 1993-94 Stadium Club 1st Day Issue cards. Not an easy chase, since they are now 30 years old!! Enjoyable when i find one though.
That Pippen dunk on Oliver Miller is getting towards the level of nasty he did to Patrick Ewing. I don't think he walked all over him after this one though
I am very slowly attempting to complete the set of 1993-94 Stadium Club 1st Day Issue cards. Not an easy chase, since they are now 30 years old!! Enjoyable when i find one though.
That Pippen dunk on Oliver Miller is getting towards the level of nasty he did to Patrick Ewing. I don't think he walked all over him after this one though
I am very slowly attempting to complete the set of 1993-94 Stadium Club 1st Day Issue cards. Not an easy chase, since they are now 30 years old!! Enjoyable when i find one though.
I will have to go through my folder and make that list. I feel like i have already done that ... but i cannot find a listing anywhere on this computer. So maybe it was just something i thought about doing, but never actually did!
For your 4 cards, i have Benoit (21) and Humphries (226) but i need Malone (166) and Chambers (338).
I have a spare Murdoch (51) if you want that, or i am happy to buy. (I think i have a few more spares, but i just spent 10 minutes looking for them and didn't find them. If i do come across them later on, i'll let you know. They're here ... somewhere ...).
For your 4 cards, i have Benoit (21) and Humphries (226) but i need Malone (166) and Chambers (338).
I have a spare Murdoch (51) if you want that, or i am happy to buy. (I think i have a few more spares, but i just spent 10 minutes looking for them and didn't find them. If i do come across them later on, i'll let you know. They're here ... somewhere ...).