Let's see if I can bust the odds with the Magnets!!!
Pack 1:Brent Barry RC, Admiral & Big Dog Nuts & Bolts... Subset?
Pack 2: Eric Williams RC, Shaq N&B
Pack 3: Sabonis, Trent & O'Bannon RCs
Pack 4: mojo? KG RC, lol. Mighty Mouse (Damon Stoudemire) & Alan Henderson RCs
Pack 5: pair of checklists.
Side note, there's also an insert set Metal Force, which are retail only packs. Scoring Magnets are Hobby only.
Still nothing yet...
Pack 6: MOJO!!!! Sheed Wallace, Mike Finley RCs, Big Dog N&B.... AND....
Pack 1: Jeff Hornacek Power
Pack 2: Weatherspoon Power
Pack 3: Kemp Power
Pack 4: Kidd All-Rookie & Pooh Richardson Power (good to see these aren't replaced, they're still 1:1)
Pack 5: Richmond Power
Pack 6: Glove Power
Pack 7: Person Power, lol as opposed to People Power
Pack 8: Wilkins Power
Pack 9: Elliot Power