I have a couple of thousand non sport inserts from the 90's (no auto's left though).
TV, movies, fantasy art, cartoon etc. I don't have anything listed sorry. Wanting to just
do trades for any, yes any Select Cricket or NRL inserts of an total equal value.
So please ask any questions. I'm in NZ.
Of your list I have
Amazing Spiderman '94 SA 9,12
X Men 2 '93 G2,3,4,6
X Men Ultra '94 Team Portrait 8
X Men Ultra '95 SO 6
Plus I have just listed on Trademe.co.nz (our Ebay) 6 4up & 9up
Marvel promo cards. If interested look under Gaming/Trading Cards/Marvel listing
titled 6 Large Promo Cards. If interested I can pull that auction in a couple of days
for trade?
Thx Cam.
Garfield 92 Holo 1,3,4,5 $10ea
Tattoo set of 9 $4 for set
Garfield 96 Chromium GC1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 $6ea
Garfield Chromium 96 Glow 1,2 $20ea
GC2,3 $10ea
Prices taken form 2004 Tasman Cat (NZ).
Not sure of current prices though.
Marvel and Coca Cola have heaps, just too many to list.
If you have a want list on these or guide as to sets or subsets you
are after would be good.
Thanks mate ill check cmoc & eBay to get an accurate sale value and let u know..
Coke after any series inserts as all base are covered and marvel um ill look at what I'm after
Coca Cola 93 Santa Set S1-10 $5ea
Coca Cola 2 94 Santa Set S11-20 plus S17 $5ea
Coca Cola 3 94 S21,22,23,24,26,27,28,29,30 $5ea
Polar Holo set H1-4 $15ea
Coca Cola 4 95 S31,32,33,36,37,38,39,40 $5ea
H1,2,3,4 $9ea
SF1,2,3,4,5,6,7 $3ea
CC Polar Bears 96 SP1,2,3,4,5,6 $3ea
CC Supr Premium 95 SPB1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 $5ea
Mirage Holo all 3 $12ea
Embossed Santa 1,2,3,4,5,6 $7ea
CC Sign of Good Taste (WV) PB1,2,4,5,6,7,8 $6ea
TL1 $25
Thanks it for inserts, plus I have sprint cell cards and asst phone cards.
What NRL/Cricket inserts do you have ?
Added prices to list now. Prices taken from Ebay listings ,mainly Coca Cola Card Shop
and some guy from the US. Newshintaro1 had most cards at $10ea and Cardzone way higher
Regards Cam.