8/7/12 APCS Card Fair Mailday!!


Collingwood Collector!
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Hey Guys,

Attended the APCS card show in Williamstown. Picked up some nice cards, as well as a few others off the wantlist including a few more Fasolo Rookies! :D

Was one of the first few through the door and ended up picking up the #2/300 Premiership Tribute Card, As well as the #8/300. I ended up finding the number 8 signature set from Ja Ja's Collectables. Went to buy the Brian Gray card which was being sold seperate to the others and he still had the number 8/58! :D

Was a great day to attend, As i got all the signatures myself and was good to have a little chat and hear from the players on the day.




Cheers Cody
Good day! to get all #8's is pretty cool!

Saw you looking at me when I arrived in line....didn't realise that was you until now lol

I also picked my Dual Signatures up from JaJa's.....e interested to know what you paid?

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