D12 Gold Stars gu #/149
Alex English Hall of gold gu #/149
Alex English 24k autographs #/149 smh!
Kevin Martin signs of gold auto #/149
XRC golden futures auto card #0 redemption (anyone know who this is?)
Golden Futures Metal card #25 redemption (who's this?)
Final box and time to cry. It was a fun break though.
DRob Hall of gold gu #/149
Antwan Jameson 14k memoribilia #/99
Jamal Crawford signs of gold auto #/149
Walt Frazier Signs of gold auto #/49 (not bad)
XRC golden futures auto card 0 again?
Golden futures metal redemption card #2
You gotta be kidding me, I just read this, a second friggin Kyrie?
Lol and you thought you had nojo!!!!!
Cmon lads, no one had Nick's back on this one, poor bloke was probly thinking "argh I coulda spent that on Christmas".
I was like, surely Im misreading this and there's no way my OCT buddies missed it. Dudes too hungry to see a Gold Prizm I reckon, got us all in a daze.
And guess who Golden Futures Metal #2 is? Old mate postgsl was correct,
Michael Kidd Gilchrist BOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont think it's autoed but hey, dont you feel better?
Honestly boys, up the game aye? Some Blowout lurkers are laughing at us right now.
Mr Nick mighta got worked over if he tried to offload the XRCO (times 2!).
Lol@ "Final box and time to cry. It was a fun break though"
Merry Christmas, dry spell over, retro/hindsight mojo for the friggin win!