Hi guys, just had another delivery from dacardworld arrive, have 3 boxes of gold standard & 4 boxes of ultimate collection. Lets see how I go, will bust the ultimate first....
Okay, pretty pleased with the Ultimate overall, time for some gold....
Box 1
Ron Artest base blue 06/25
Lebron James gold nuggets jersey 168/199
Tim Hardaway golden age jersey 012/299
Clyde Drexler gold anniversary jersey 139/299
Ekpe Udoh rookie auto 198/299
Daniel Orton rookie auto 243/299
Al-Farouq Amini rookie auto 217/299
Ray Allen gold stars patch 10/25
Serge Ibaka gold crowns jersey 043/249
Jonny flynn gold stars patch auto 01/20
Jordan Crawford rookie auto 081/299
Jeff Teague base auto 198/299