3-pack mini-break ASAP

1 x 03/04 Topps
recent breaks of these has yielded lebron and bosh RCs, so here's hoping for something cool in this 1
1 x 04/05 Skybox LE retail
1 x 04/05 Fleer Sweet Sigs retail
i guess these are my last chances to pull a redemption while i might still get something for them!

(cost $11 for the 3 packs)
03/04 Topps up first:

Mike Dunleavy Jr. featuring jason richardson, david wesley and antawn jamison in background
Tyrone Hill featuring recently retired vlade divac
Scott Padgett cruising in for the jam
Dan Gazuric battling shaq's Laker laneway
Mr Vlade Divac appears again, in a kings/lakers matchup, him powering with finesse against 2 laker defenders.. a true ambassador to the international element in the NBA
Pat Burke... some Irish guy?
Toni Kukoc
Derek Fisher
AK-47 :) hope he and deron williams have a good season with the jazz
Jarron Collins
Zydrunas Ilgauskas
Marcus Banks RC, no mojo but at least it aint no troy bell or ndudi ebi
onto the 04/05 Skybox LE:

nice pic of Reggie Miller shooting into the defense of rip hamilton
another Zydrunas Ilgauskas
Larry Hughes driving
Jason Kidd
Mike Bibby
yeah $11 is good for those(a further $2 off the marked prices), shame there wasnt anything to phone home about inside, but thats the risk we take
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