2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectables


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Haven't busted any boxes for months. As some of you know Grayson put on quite show over weekend, demonstrating that Cadbury's ad campaign is quite false and one does not need a glass and half ;)

Anyway Grayson helped me open a few boxes over the weekend (titled) and also 2x crappy Timeless Treasures he's finding hard to sell

The cards all arrived today :thumbsup:

1x Crown Royale (Friday)
Dwight GU, D Rose GU, D Carroll RC auto
and this, the case hit! /25

2x Abs Memorabilia (Friday + Sunday)








Then in one box. Grayson said "Minh you're not going to be disappointed by this!" I thought "Great not another worthless card that Grayson thinks is good" So he reveals the first base card - and this pops up /5!!! :thumbsup:

I thought that was the end of it and said to myself "Ok at least this time it's not a DeROzen Patch that Grayson wet himself about" Then he said "Thats not it!" and revealed a redemption card. I was sort of excited - then he found the player number and it was... KOBE!!! Auto!!! /24 (I redeemed it to make sure it was Kobe) =D>:woot: we were both pretty happy - well i was, Grayson muttered something under his breath...

Anyway that's not even the big news... yesterday I was speaking to a friend and explained to him what we pulled and he said "I am pretty sure you didn't pull a card hey... it's actually a full size signed Kobe Jersey! Only 24 made!" :woot::woot::woot: checked the redemption today and sure enough. This is literally my biggest pull :kick: Eagerly waiting
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

:shock: i am amazed!


:D u have to be very happy with all of that!
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

sick!!! nice pull on the kobe jersey!!!
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

Awesome....simply awesome!
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

Fabulous work mate. Cleaned up in those Absolute boxes

Might not worry about POTM voting at the end of this month :lol:
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

oh la la Mihn, very nice indeed....i want i want haha. Major MOJO right there, congrats.
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

Holy moly! Lebron, Tyreke, Kobe, the Big O! Heckuva mojo loaded box!
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

great stuff minh. really really speechless. very very great :D
congrats man, hahaha.
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

Damn Congrats what a MOJO lot of boxes, think maybe I need to hit Grayson up for some boxes. :)
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

awesome stuff mate nice bust , tyreke evans nice stuff
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

we were both pretty happy - well i was, Grayson muttered something under his breath...

SICK!!!!! That is pure MOJO right there, what a bonus to find out it was an auto'd jersey instead!!! wow man, congrats. And cherrycollectables keeps the hits coming!!!!!!
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

holy sh!t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is awesome!
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

Very nice hits there mate.Nice job on the Kobe.I would have happy with the Big "O" Auto.Well done mate.
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

WOW, was that the last boxes of absolute from Cherry? I knew something good was there after my two mishaps! WELL DONE MATE!
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

thanks for all the comments everyone!!! definitely a highlight in mt short box busting career :D
Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

There are more lies about that 'Grayson' fella in that rant than on the Election ads at the moment!!

I wet myself over a Jennings rc Auto jumbo jsy /25... for example ;)

The only thing people should take from Crackberry's short story is that if you want Case Hits, shop with the people that produce them time in, time out!

Thanks Crack for gettin your bust on and everyone else who turned out on Friday night.

When I have a bit more time (read when Renee comes back) I will set something up with Graham re: Live Busts via OzCardtrader.

Re: 2x Absolute Memorabilia + 1x Crown Royale My BIGGEST EVER Mojo Cherry Collectable

awesome pull..
well done..
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