kiwi_in_melb OZCT Supporter Feedback - 100% 406 0 0 Dec 14, 2014 #1 Hey guys, Had another great day down at Cherry HQ catching up and busting some wax. Ripped a fair few boxes / snake breaks of Prizm these were the highlights these are some highlights from a few recent breaks Lastly I picked up my 2 Cherry Packs from the 1st round of them Pack 1 had these two hits Rudy Gay 15/15 KG Printing Plate 1/1 Pack 2 were these two hits MKG Luigi Datome Logoman 1/4 As always thanks for checking them out!
Hey guys, Had another great day down at Cherry HQ catching up and busting some wax. Ripped a fair few boxes / snake breaks of Prizm these were the highlights these are some highlights from a few recent breaks Lastly I picked up my 2 Cherry Packs from the 1st round of them Pack 1 had these two hits Rudy Gay 15/15 KG Printing Plate 1/1 Pack 2 were these two hits MKG Luigi Datome Logoman 1/4 As always thanks for checking them out!
xavierty I WANT ALL 03/03 FLEER PLATINUM NAMEPLATE!!!! Feedback - 100% 190 0 0 Dec 14, 2014 #2 wow cant go past the superman patch love it
xavierty I WANT ALL 03/03 FLEER PLATINUM NAMEPLATE!!!! Feedback - 100% 190 0 0 Dec 14, 2014 #3 wow cant go past the superman patch love it
KB. Al-farouq Aminu Supercollector Feedback - 100% 182 0 0 Dec 14, 2014 #5 Awesome stuff. I love the old school pic on the mullins item, plus the partially signed patch.
spanishsahara OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 91 0 0 Dec 14, 2014 #6 "Name of the Year" Award goes to Spencer Dinwiddie, hands down Some nice cards there, congrats on the logoman
"Name of the Year" Award goes to Spencer Dinwiddie, hands down Some nice cards there, congrats on the logoman
Rogerbid23 searching No 8 Feedback - 100% 150 0 0 Dec 14, 2014 #8 Great selection of mailday, good stuff~
jkidd05 OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 1011 0 0 Dec 15, 2014 #9 Looks like you did pretty well in your breaks! Nice Mullin!
Aronzo33 Miami Heat Fan. Zo and Birdman Feedback - 100% 35 0 0 Dec 15, 2014 #10 So many nice cards! If I had to choose I'd pick the Chris Bosh jersey auto (Heat fan here!) and the Chris Mullin, so so nice!
So many nice cards! If I had to choose I'd pick the Chris Bosh jersey auto (Heat fan here!) and the Chris Mullin, so so nice!
K kobejodan OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 36 0 0 Dec 15, 2014 #11 great stuff mate thanks for your help yesterday was wrapped on the Durant gold I pulled and wade and Irving autos ps I exum and hakeem for sale thanks Dave
great stuff mate thanks for your help yesterday was wrapped on the Durant gold I pulled and wade and Irving autos ps I exum and hakeem for sale thanks Dave
Roydngr OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 33 0 0 Dec 16, 2014 #12 Fantastic haul all round, I would have paid a mint for that Afflalo acetate patch earlier in the year too haha!
Fantastic haul all round, I would have paid a mint for that Afflalo acetate patch earlier in the year too haha!
vivo87 Chasin' Chandler Feedback - 100% 77 0 0 Dec 18, 2014 #13 Mullin is a gem man, dub auto right there! Noah and Howard patches are nice and so is that Datome logoman, nice going there!
Mullin is a gem man, dub auto right there! Noah and Howard patches are nice and so is that Datome logoman, nice going there!