25 days to go..


On Again, Off Again..
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..till X-Men 3. I saw the trailer again last night at the movies and all day I've been thinking about it. I'm such a geek. No Nightcrawler this time but we get Kitty Pride and Juggernaut(Vinnie Jones!) among a load of new characters. I'm so excited. I'll be booking Gold Class tickets as soon as I can..

Anyone else looking forward to it?

huge fan of the comics, not so much of the movies. juggernaut will be cool though, i cant wait til they fight apocalypse! that would rock.
yeah ive seen all the previews, it looks awesome, i always liked jeans character so im glad we get to see her with some oomph too her powers, and it will be cool to see how they do the whole phoenix personality, and yeah the other characters will be cool and we get to see colossus more in this movie to, oh no i think im a geek to, oh well... hahahahha
just on the topic of super hero movies, was i the only person on earth who thought batman begins was a load of utter shite? i dont understand the constant praise it gets.
JZA said:
just on the topic of super hero movies, was i the only person on earth who thought batman begins was a load of utter shite? i dont understand the constant praise it gets.

Gotta agree with ya there jza...loved the x men but batman did nothing for me at all...
But im sure the movie wasnt written for people in there mid 40s:lol:
Yeah Batman Begins, really didn't do it for me.... though I think it had me in tears at one point, but I am such a girl LOL or it was just that bad I couldn't believe I wasted my money!
Batman Begins was good, not great but good :) much rather watch that then danny devito waddling round in a penguin suit.
lmao shoes... Batman returns just freaked me out... and the two that followed were in the realm of ridiculous... Batman featuring Michael Keaton has to be my fave Batman movie..... but there have been so many batman movies... it's just astounding....
I used to live and breathe X-men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not geeky at all in the same way Trekkies are.

On a side note, does anyone agree that Ed Burns would be the prefect Gambit! I have always thought this and he would play the part to a T!
hmm hes got the right sorta face and hes a good actor, he would have to have a good cajun/french accent though. besides which he would have to have a romance with rogue (anna paquin) and the age difference would be too large there. if they were casting gambit im betting they would resort to some young pretty boy like that wanker on smallville or one of the guys from the OC.
Smallville = crap.

Don't know about the acting, but that show is ridiculous and irritated me.

OC on the other hand rules, but neither Adam Brody or the guy who plays Ryan would be a good Gambit.
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