Was thinking about this..
What happens if you get (example) 4 cards offered but none you want
If your not forced to trade the card then its pretty much just the norm...you may as well just put your card in a trade thread.
If you are forced to trade then i can see problems.
We all have different ideas about what is reasonable...
Some use sell value..other beckett value..assuming there is even a value on it.
Some card sell above beckett while some sell well below it...
What could sell on ebay 1 week for say $10 may not get a bid the next.
You get my drift...i can just see it leading to $%#%^&
yeh i agree with you there.. it would work out okay for some but others may be left feeling a bit sour after not having been able to chose from a decent trade... this is definately a better thing for the buyers then the sellers but with that said.. if the sellers do it in the first place it is a risk they have decided to take and no one forced them into it.. its just like putting up something on ebay at 99c no reserve i guess u will not know what it will go for at the end..